Where do I even start when it comes to this wedding day in Rome?! It’s hard to find the words. This is truly a day I’ll never forget. When I’m 80 I’ll be telling my grandkids about experiences like these. I had the honor of meeting Julia and Tomasz and documenting their intimate wedding day in Rome, Italy! I have to start by saying these two are the most incredible humans! They know multiple languages, are extremely successful in their careers and truly couldn’t be kinder. I felt like I was hanging out with friends I’ve known a long time and loved all my time with them! They are actually from Poland but decided they wanted to get married over in Rome and I think Rome fits them perfectly! They’re such a classy couple and definitely picked the perfect city to get married in. I was so honored to be a part of it!
They started their wedding off by getting civilly married. While they speak multiple languages, Italian wasn’t one of them, so they had a polish translator in the room for them and their friends/family. I personally only know English so I couldn’t understand a single word haha so it was quite the experience! Luckily after so many weddings it’s easy to get a sense of what’s happening and when, so it went well! It was quick and then they were MARRIED! So exciting! They came out of the building and we took pictures of them with their small group of friends and family and then headed over to the hotel for cocktail hour and more pictures before dinner.
Julia and Tomasz held their reception/dinner at Hotel De Russie in Rome and it’s the most beautiful hotel! I had the honor of shooting a wedding there last year as well so it was really cool going back to the same hotel a year later for another beautiful wedding! We took more pictures of Julia and Tomasz around the gardens and it was so fun. These two look amazing in every picture and made my job SO easy! Julia has actually modeled since she was a little girl (if you couldn’t already tell, she’s STUNNING) so she was so natural in front of the camera. It was amazing and they’re such a perfect couple. They’re both SO kind and welcoming and warm. I’m so so honored I got to meet them and that our paths crossed. My husband and I walked back to our Airbnb after our goodbyes and I was so sad leaving! They truly feel like friends and I loved my time with them. I’m so happy to say I have friends in Poland now!!
I’ll always remember and love this wedding day in Rome! It was such an amazing experience. I’m also so so excited to say I have another wedding in Rome next year in 2024!! I can’t even believe I’ll be able to say I shot a wedding in Rome three years in a row! I’m forever grateful!!